Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Neurologist

I saw the neurologist today. He was good--pretty quick and not very talkative. He had me describe my symptoms, and then made me preform a few tests ("Touch your nose, touch my hand..."). He tested my reflexes, which I know are abnormal. I nearly kicked the last person [who tested me] in the gut.

My endocrinologist (do you capitalize their titles? Probably not) had ordered a ton of bloodwork before I saw this doctor, to help him along. I think they all came back normal. He said that because she had ordered so much, he'd just order one or two. He also wanted me to go to Radiology and schedule a MRI. Oh, and he wanted me to see the adult neurologist and have him preform some sort of muscle test involving needles. I made that appointment for first thing tomorrow... I just want to get it over before I start worrying.

When I got to the lab, the nurse started printing out all these labels. Apparently he had come up with more tests. In the end, I had 8 tubes taken. I could feel my vein about to pop... luckily it held, though I am bruising.

I got a call once I was home to schedule the MRI. It's at 6:30AM on April 3rd. GAG. It's also three hours long, because they're doing my brain and my entire spine. So much fun.

I'm not really sure what he's looking for or what could be wrong, since he did not talk much. But I assume that's because there's a wide range of things that could be going on, so he'd just be shooting at air anyway.

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