Wednesday, November 19, 2008


(I really need to update about my follow-up and other stuff. But for tonight I'm just going to post this.)


2002 (12 years of age):

Weight loss, Extreme fatigue, Insomnia

2003 - 2007 (13-17 years of age):

Blue feet and hands (Raynaud’s), Fatigue, Dry eye begins, Rash after showering, sometimes after being in the sun, Intestinal troubles begin, Insomnia


Develops small red spots (like tiny broken capillaries) on arms, look like tiny freckles but they bleed.
Raynauds becomes more severe – begins to have toenail issues
Develops a shaking/tremor in her arms/hands especially when inflamed or under stress.

February 2008:

Thumb on left hand began to hurt. By mid-February thumb causing extreme pain and swelling in “flare ups” came and went. Insomnia more pronounced because of waking up during the night in pain.

Develops night sweats.

March 2008:

Left hand gets progressively worse, involving all the other fingers of the hand, loses ability to use the hand because of pain, swelling, inflammation. Worse in the morning, somewhat better in afternoon.

Right hand begins to hurt. Raynauds is extremely severe. Begins to lose toe nail on right foot.

Shaking/tremor is more frequent and more pronounced.

Sees PCM, has initial blood work, referred to Ped. Rheum.

April 2008:

Begins to develop hip pain.

See Rheum. ANA, CCP, RF, and antithyroid peroxidase are abnormal. Put on Mobic 7.5 twice per day. Referred to Endo for thyroid, Opthomology for dry eye.

May 2008-Aug 2008:

Seen by Endocrinologist, put on Synthroid.

Pain levels are increasing. Severe flare ups each month. Referred to Cardiology for chest pains and shortness of breath. Diagnosed with ectopic palpitations, innocent heart murmur, and possible rheum. inflammation of the chest.

Losses ability to hold small object, open jars/bottles, brush teeth. Pain and inflammation cycle – good days and bad days.

August 2008:

See Rheum. again. He adds a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. Prescribes Flexeril at night for the Fibro, Plaquenil daily for the rheum issue.

Develops pain in right jaw.

Right toenail continues to worse, left toenail develops black pits/holes (due to the Raynauds?)

Referred to Gastro for intestinal issues.

September 2008:

Late August/Early September brought a severe flare up which lasted more than 6 weeks. Pain and inflamation levels were high and constant.

Mom notices a rash or “blush” on Alyssa’s face. Cheeks, nose, and part of forehead red. Rash/blush seems to come and go, some days none at all, some days very evident.

Symptoms as follows:

Raynaud’s (blue feet and occasionally hands)
Dry eye
Pain and swelling in hands
Pain in jaw
Pain in hip
Pain in feet (occasionally)
Rash after shower
Capillary rash
Night sweats
Some back (kidney?) pain
Rash/redness on face